Lzt2 task3
Lzt2 task3

The system uses the attic of the house with a large south facing window as the solar collector. Publication Date: Thu Dec 01 00:00: Research Org.: General Electric Co., Philadelphia, PA (USA) OSTI Identifier: 5624906 Report Number(s): COO-2705-3 DOE Contract Number: EY-76-C-02-2705 Resource Type: Technical Report Country of Publication: United States Language: English Subject: 14 SOLAR ENERGY EVACUATED TUBE COLLECTORS EVALUATION USES SOLAR AIR CONDITIONERS PERFORMANCE SOLAR AIR HEATERS SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS SOLAR WATER HEATERS SOLAR-ASSISTED HEAT PUMPS ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION CYCLE COMPUTER CALCULATIONS CONTROL SYSTEMS COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS DESIGN HEAT STORAGE SOLAR AIR CONDITIONING SOLAR SPACE HEATING SOLAR WATER HEATING THERMAL INSULATION AIR CONDITIONERS AIR CONDITIONING AIR HEATERS APPLIANCES ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ENERGY STORAGE EQUIPMENT EVACUATED COLLECTORS GAS APPLIANCES HEAT PUMPS HEATERS HEATING HEATING SYSTEMS SOLAR COLLECTORS SOLAR COOLING SYSTEMS SOLAR EQUIPMENT SOLAR HEATING SPACE HEATING STORAGE WATER HEATERS 141000* - Solar Collectors & Concentrators 140901 - Solar Thermal Utilization- Space Heating & Cooling 140907 - Solar Thermal Utilization- Water = , more » Adequate performance can be obtained with house temperature swings comparable to those used in nighttime setback of the thermostat. This system would use the existing mass of the house for energy storage thereby reducing solar cost and complexity. A hybrid solar system has been identified that can improve the market penetration of solar energy. Other air system advantages are no liquid leakage problems, no toxicity of freezing problems, and less complicated equipment. A prime advantage of heated air solar systems over liquid systems is cost and longer life which results in higher BTU's/dollar. Other attractive applications are space/domestic water heating and a heat pump assisted solar system/domestic water heating where the heat pump and the solar system function in parallel. The results of this study prompted General Electric's marketing group to do a detailed commercialization study of a residential domestic water heating system using the Solair concept which has been selected as the most attractive application. The evaluation identified attractive applications, evaluated corresponding control procedures, estimated system performance, compared economically insolation and insulation, and evaluated the repackaging of off-the-shelf equipment for improved cost effectiveness. This contract extension has been provided to evaluate various applications of this solar collector.

lzt2 task3 lzt2 task3

General Electric has designed and tested a low-cost solar system using a vacuum tube solar air heater under ERDA Contract E(11-1)-2705.

Lzt2 task3